आपणा सर्वांचे स्वागत आहे

आपणा सर्वांचे स्वागत आहे

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Writing a short Dissertation

1. Meaning of Dissertation : Thesis and Dissertation
               Simply speaking,  "a dissertation is a document that present the reasearcher's reaserch"( Dr. chaskar).  In a dissertation , the reasercher writes a formal document which  argues in defence a perticular topic . The oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines the term 'dissertation' as follows:
         " a long essay on a perticular subject , especially one written          fora higher university degree"

      A dissertation is similar to and different from a 'reaserch paper' and 'thesis'. A research paper is shorter than both a dissertation and a thesis. A dissertation is wider in scope as compared to a thesis. that  is why , we use the term 'M.phill.Thesis' and 'Ph.D.Dissertation or 'Doctoral Dissertation'. the aproximate length of a thesis is 100 pages while that of dissertation is 300 pages. The topic of both also reveal this difference . for example,'A comic Mode in R.K.Narayanan's fiction is a title for a dissertation . in a short , a thesis is shorter than a dissertation and is generally for a masters degree. on the other hand , a dissertation is longer than a thesis and is written for a doctors degree. therefore, in America, there prevail the terms 'masters thesis' and a 'doctoral dissertation'.

2. A Book and A Dissertation:

           A dissertaion is also different from a criticle book. A book may be wider than a dissertation. it may contain hunderds of pages . however, a dissertation is shorter than a book. but it is a analytical , argumentative . on the othes hand a book may be only critical. it will have paraphrases and comments only. for example. ' An introduction to john keats portry' will be the title for a book. it will speak about the life and works of the poet. However, 'A study of figurative Language in Keats's poetry' will be a title for a dissertation and will contain an analytical study of only one aspects of keats's poems. 

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