आपणा सर्वांचे स्वागत आहे

आपणा सर्वांचे स्वागत आहे

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Its my sunday

             I just open my lezy eyes .its very painful for me to wake up before 9.am on Sunday.
 in all week i only think, i will do this , i will do that. i go here and i go there. means frinds i just plan for my sunday. u know just doing planing is also get shevring in my body.
            getting let bed in the night and wake up let in the morning is just a fun. Sunday morning gives u new view to look at the coming next week.
            My students yesterday ask me, sir why there is only one Sunday in a week? i explain them but after i also question my self, why there is a only one Sunday in a week?